Top 8 Carpet Cleaning Myths Debunked

//Top 8 Carpet Cleaning Myths Debunked

Top 8 Carpet Cleaning Myths Debunked

Top 8 Carpet Cleaning Myths Debunked

Top 8 Carpet Cleaning Myths Debunked
Carpet is one of the most used furnishings in Edmonton homes. It is exposed to the external environment and sees daily foot traffic that causes wear and tear.
Over time, your carpet will be riddled with dirt and debris no matter how often you clean it manually, causing it to deteriorate. Getting your carpet professionally cleaned has a lot of benefits – from extending its life and retaining its appearance to creating a much healthier environment. In simple words, it is worth it.
Even if you believe you can go the DIY route with carpet cleaning, rest assured you can’t match the results you get when hiring a carpet cleaning Edmonton services.
Even though DIY is not suggested when cleaning a carpet for several reasons, people are still wary about investing in residential carpet cleaning Edmonton. It is due to myths surrounding carpet cleaning, which are untrue. Believing these myths can cost you a lot of money and take away many years from your carpet’s usable life.
To help you steer clear of these misconceptions, we have debunked some of the top carpet cleaning myths that are still widely believed:

Myth 1# Too Much Cleaning of the Carpet is Bad for It

One of the most common myths about carpet cleaning is that it can damage it. But it is not true. On the contrary, frequent carpet cleaning can help preserve its appearance for much longer.
People often use the wrong cleaning methods or products on the wrong type of carpets when going the DIY route, causing carpets to get damaged, lose color, or smell bad.
Professional carpet cleaners use gentle methods that are safe for most carpets and do not wear your carpet prematurely. Having your carpet cleaned often is important to remove dirt and dust.
Professional carpet cleaning in Edmonton will ensure your carpet stays as good as new for longer.

Myth 2# Wait for Your Carpet to Look Dirty Before Cleaning It

Just because your carpet does not look dirty doesn’t mean it is not. Whether you see it or not, dirt and debris settle down over time on your carpet. They cause your carpet to wear and tear, damage its fiber, and even result in discoloration.
In extreme cases, dirty carpets can also degrade the air quality of your home and cause coughing, allergies, and breathing difficulties.
Waiting for years to clean your carpet will mean more dirt and allergens accumulate, making the cleaning even more difficult. Moreover, in such cases, irreversible damages are bound to be caused due to delayed cleaning.

Myth 3# Over-The-Counter Carpet Cleaners are Effective on Carpet Stains

You’ll find a number of over-the-counter carpet cleaners available in the market. But not all of them are good for your carpet, and most importantly, don’t fall into the flashy claims they make on their packaging. Different carpet manufacturers use different types of materials.
Depending on the material they use, they do not recommend using store-bought cleaners to clean them with. The carpet you buy often comes with its washing manual and recommendations, and following it is highly recommended. Going through the one-size-fits-all approach with carpet cleaning will deteriorate its quality, lifespan, and aesthetics.
When you ignore these recommendations, it can leave your carpet damaged or discolored. Worse, these carpet cleaners can leave stains that will be harder or impossible to get off later on.
Save yourself the hassle and call a professional carpet cleaning Edmonton company. It is a much safer option than risking your precious carpet’s health with harsh over-the-counter carpet cleaners.

Myth 4# Professional Carpet Cleaning Is Not Worth the Price

Saving money is one of the top reasons many people avoid opting for professional carpet cleaning services. While professional residential carpet cleaning Edmonton may initially cost you a bit more, DIY cleaning is much more expensive in the long run.
You may end up paying much more when you need to spend on replacing your damaged or neglected carpet. Getting your carpet cleaned today by a professional will pay off when it outperforms its expected life.

Myth 5# Carpets Remain Wet for Days After Professional Cleaning

You may have heard horror stories about people who had to wait for days for their carpet to dry after a thorough cleaning. But, when carpets are cleaned thoroughly and properly, there won’t be much moisture left in them.
Professional cleaners help accelerate the drying process using professional-grade drying and extraction equipment. It helps return your carpet to normal use within a day or even a few hours.
If you’re worried about having to do without your carpet for days when you go for residential carpet cleaning Edmonton, you can’t be more wrong.
In most cases, it’s just a matter of a few hours, but rest assured, the wait would be worth it!

Myth 6# New Carpets Do Not Need Cleaning

Even if you have installed a new carpet at your home, it does not mean it won’t need cleaning. Cleaning it timely ensures it retains its look, colors, and overall aesthetics.
Not getting your new carpet routinely cleaned professionally means it loses its overall health, look, and lifespan. It is best to start cleaning your new carpet as early as possible to extend the life of your carpet and prevent it from looking shabby with dirt.

Myth 7# Professional Carpet Cleaning Takes a Lot of Time

It might be true in the past, but today, professional carpet cleaning companies have come a long way. Today, professional carpet cleaning companies in Edmonton are perfect for those with very tight schedules.
Professional carpet cleaners have access to modern tools and advanced technology that allows them to clean your carpets easily and quickly without any hassles.
They excel in removing stains and deep-seated dirt efficiently, which may not be possible with DIY Cleaning. And the best part is the time it takes to get your carpet(s) cleaned won’t give you second thoughts.

Myth 8# All Carpet Cleaning Companies are Basically the Same

Carpet cleaning companies can do wonders for your carpets. But, not all professional carpet cleaning Edmonton companies offer the same level of services.
With so many different carpet cleaning Edmonton companies, it can be a mistake to assume that picking any one of them should work.
You must pick the best carpet cleaning company to service based on several factors, such as the quality of workmanship, type of cleaning needed, ease of scheduling, and reviews. Do your due diligence and research before signing on the dotted line, and you’ll be positively surprised with the results you get!

Final Thoughts

These are some of the common myths that prevent homeowners from getting their carpets cleaned by professionals. If you believe any of the abovementioned myths, it’s time to reconsider your beliefs and hire a good residential carpet cleaning Edmonton company.
Gift your carpet a new lease of life by getting it professionally cleaned. Most of all, it will preserve its aesthetic appearance and enhance its lifespan in the long term with Fresh Clean ChemDry carpet cleaning services in Edmonton. Click here to get your free carpet cleaning estimate!
Have you heard of any other carpet cleaning myths in the past? Please do let us know in the comments below! Want to learn more about carpet cleaning 101? Click here!
Do share this blog with anyone who might benefit from these great insights.

By | 2023-10-03T22:32:17+00:00 September 21st, 2023|Carpet Cleaning|0 Comments

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